We’re excited to announce that we’ve added Online Short Courses to our list of Root Cause Analysis training options. Whether you are looking for an introduction to the Cause Mapping RCA method, or you’re looking for a short refresher course for a previously attended Cause Mapping Workshop, our Online Short Course topics can help you and your team learn how to thoroughly investigate complex problems, identify solutions and establish problem-solving processes within your organization.
Details About New Courses
Each course is live online, and two hours in duration. Participants will receive a certificate of completion with 0.2 CEUs, a training summary document, a Cause Mapping Excel Template for the topic, as well as examples that were presented during the course.
We currently have four courses scheduled over the next several months, with plans to introduce additional topics soon. If there are any topics you would like to see added, please leave us a comment on this blog post.
The courses are $179 per registration, with group discounts and corporate rates available.
Online Short Course Upcoming Schedule:

Additional RCA Training
The Online Short Courses join the list of our existing Root Cause Analysis training options designed to help managers, risk managers, safety managers, and even front-line personnel learn how to thoroughly investigate issues and establish problem-solving processes.
Cause Mapping Public Workshops: Offered both online and in-person, our Cause Mapping Public Workshops teach the concepts, lessons, and steps of the Cause Mapping method - an uncomplicated way to systematically investigate and prevent problems - from basic to the most complex. Attendees describe this workshop as a refreshing approach. We have no jargon, terminology, or lingo and there’s no proprietary software to buy. By focusing on the basics, we show individuals and groups how to make complex problems clearer to find better solutions.
Private Cause Mapping Workshops: Whether you’re looking for customized training options for your organization, or you want a ThinkReliability instructor to teach one of our Cause Mapping Workshops for your organization, we’re happy to help. All workshops can be presented at your site or online with a live instructor, so you can choose the root cause investigation training format that works best for your organization’s goals. We also offer a certification program to allow you to become a Cause Mapping champion in your organization.
Company Case Study Webinars: The idea is simple: during our time together, we focus on an actual problem from your organization, which we investigate prior to the conversation. Our root cause analysis case study webinar is a cost-effective solution to provide additional training and support using Cause Maps to investigate and solve problems within your organization.
Free RCA Webinars: Our instructors host webinars on the latest problem-solving methods and case studies almost every week. Each session is approximately 45 minutes and packed full of useful information and tips for facilitating better investigations.